Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Scaredy student

“Are you okay” john heard from his mother and father several times. Oh! I should start from the beginning and tell you what happened before this and then it will make sense. One beautiful sunny day a thirteen year old boy woke up and smelt the fresh air of outside. He had a huge smile on his face until he thought of the monstrous bullies of middle school. He thought to himself that he will also have to quickly walk five hours to get to his home where he will get in major trouble for being home so late and for getting an f for everything in term two. All of this so he can just avoid the height of the bridge from one half of the city to the other. He ran downstairs and asked his mom for a ride. She had said “ok” and drove him to school across a bridge. He arrived at the school. He was there in ten minutes or less. When his mom sped off he was greeted evilly by 5 enormous bullies.

He was shoved and he hit the ground hard. The bullies walked away chuckling and cracking jokes. John got up and ran rapidly to the school doors and ran into class. The teacher said that the homework was due but John had no time to complete the required assignment. He walked for five hours to get home because he was so afraid of heights that he couldn’t even cross the bridge. He came rushing out of class hoping he could avoid the bullies but he was wrong.

The five elephant looking teens walked up to him and the “leader” of the group through his fist at poor John. John ducked and kicked the leader in the back of his knee. The leader collapsed and was furious. John was jumped by the other four and they were the biggest and meanest of the group. He punched one in the face as hard as he could and then the other three tackled him. He was then tied with his hands behind his back and feet together. They carried him off grumbling and the leader limping. The bully he punched had gone to the nurse’s office with two black eyes and a broken nose. The four said “were here”. The four chuckled loudly and John heard a sudden honking noise. He knew where he was, THE BRIDGE. They cut the ropes off of him saying how they should not let him drown if he makes it through the impact.

John realized that they were going to throw him off of the bridge and make it look like suicide was committed. He went into this state of mind where he overcame his fear of heights and bullies. He felt worried but he knew this is the worst that could happen so he came up with a plan. The leader went to push him off of the bridge when john kicked him across the face and the leader fell to the ground. The other three came and tried to tackle him as fast as they could. John moved out of the way and the three could not slow down. They ran right off of the bridge and fell to the ocean. John looked down and they were floating down the river leading to the vast ocean. The leader got up and lunged at John. He was grabbed and John broke his arm by bending it the other way. The bully fell and john headed home (Across the bridge) and got home just in time to finish homework. He then on could walk home across that bridge and he passed all of grade eight. Nobody knows where the three bullies went that fell off of the cliff. The other two were petrified to even go near John. That is exactly what happened, but can you guess what john turned into?

4 Awesome job dude, I’m going to let you finish your awesome story I just wanna let you know that was really interesting, great ideas and your keeping me in suspense with that last part. You may want to spell check your story and grammar check it as well so it’s all polished for Patterson but that’s not really important, great ideas, events that capture and hold the reader’s attention but like most short writing stories it ends to fast. Mine story does to though so it’s alright it’s not supposed to just drag on and on and on you know. Good job
Cole Schisler