Tuesday, December 1, 2009

dec. voice planning

  • I am a chocolate chip cookie

  • My name is chippy

  • I can talk when the family leaves and so can everything else

  • I will be left out for Santa to eat

  • On the 23rd the family decides to put all of the ornaments up

  • They also leave a plate of cookies out in case of company

  • They leave at about 5:00pm on the 24Th to go out for a nice family dinner and movie

  • All of the cookies stand and start talking to each other but we still sit on the the plate

  • As a chocolate chip cookie i am absolutely fascinated with all of the sights around

  • All of the sudden there is a large crashing noise

  • It is Santa coming down to grab his cookies and leave presents. He eats all of them but since only we can hear each other he does not know that they all have families .

  • They scream for there lives but are chomped down He is about to eat me but puts me in his pocket for later

  • I end up going on the sleigh ride and dropped in another house in Greece

  • I inspect that but before i can see all of it I am eaten

1 comment:

  1. very good idea and story planning, I really like how you planned each step that you are going to write about!!
