Friday, November 6, 2009

Advil anyone
“Woooooooo, yaaaaaaaaaa,” is all I could hear as I was dragged into a ring. I saw a matador with a thin jet black mask on. He had an oversized hat and was dressed in the dreaded colors, blood red and black. I became more and more furious as he laughed and ran around the enormous arena. The monster looked at me with a pleased face and I saw the silver blade that he had put in the holster. The man had killed 50 bulls in his entire career is what I had heard. The man had a rose in his mouth and a red silk blanket in his hands. I have won over 20 fights by killing my opponent. The way I do it, you do not want to know.

The creep started waving his blanket around after a bell went and stated the time three in the afternoon, Friday and made me confused but I charged anyway. The man moved his blanket out of my way and did a spin to impress the crowd. They cheered and when he was not expecting it I charged at him. I hit him square right in between my horns. He did a back flip. I turned and I could tell that he was soar. The crowd started to boo accept a small group of environmentalists that thought killing bulls for a sport is horrible.

The man let a great scream of fright as he stood. He was now shaking uncontrollably. He held his blanket and I charged with pride. He spun and set right back up so that that incident would be forgotten and avoided. I missed. The matador had asked before the match if they could have a break every fifteen minutes and his wish was approved. I went back to a stable and went directly to my water dish. It was full and it had ice in it. It tasted so good as it trickled down my throat and refreshed me. I was ready to go back out there and fight.

When I was dragged by five men I reached the ring, the gigantic steel doors closed behind me. When the matador was in the center of the ring I glanced up and there was a riot. The matador waved his blanket like he was a veteran waving his flag high and proud. The riot was not enough to catch his eye. I watched as there was a gunshot in the crowd. This had the matador’s attention now. He ran and while his back was turned I charged. I missed and he unsteadily jumped out of the way. I looked back and the man with a gun was running from police.

A voice on the microphone blurred out “it is safe to begin.” There was a great cheer but then the man with the gun had ran the other way, tripped, and fell into the ring with me and the matador. There was no way to get him out because the doors had a time lock on them. The guards yelled the name “Carl” as he fell. That is his name I assume so that is what he will be known as. The matador ran up to him and sliced a symbol into the mans forehead. He said that it was for disgracing him in front of everybody but it was just a scratch that let out only about one pint of blood. The man was on the ground crying but the matador stood him up and helped him. The matador held up his blanket I ran and he spun. The man, Carl, was standing there though. I couldn’t stop in time and it was like I was a freight train with a large spike when I hit him. All of the sudden I looked up with little ease. My head was about one hundred and seventy pound heavier.

I looked up and Carl was gone. My stomach curled. I shook my head and a body came off with a large hole in him. IT WAS CARL! I was overwhelmed. The noises I could hear were things like “booooooooo” and “sssssssssssssssssssssssssss.”I was stared at by the matador. All of the sudden I heard an air releasing and the doors popped open.

Five men came out with guns. I was frightened. They had their red dot on me but I sprinted around. One man shot as I ran behind another. He fell to his knees and there was a dart in his leg. Another shot made a thumping noise as it had hit the second man. He fell after looking like he had gone nuts. This time the dart was in his neck. One freaked out when he shot the second, not knowing there was a dart for him in the head. He fell to his knees. The other two just ran and shut the door with the matador behind them. I walked back into my stable where there was a man waiting for me. He shot me with a dart and I fell into a deep sleep.

All of the sudden I woke up. I was lying in my bed and somebody woke me up for a match for a matador that has killed 50 bulls. When I got to the ring he was the same matador. The colors on him were the same. And the bell went and stated the time just like in my other fight. The time was three in the afternoon on a Friday!

1 comment:

  1. All you need to do is work on your sentence fluency. For example. Work on your sentence openers and prepositons. Then it will be better. Also the ending is confusing. You should work on it a bit.
