Friday, November 6, 2009

"Bang!" "Boom!", is all Steve could here as he was hiding behind a slot machine and bullets were zipping everywhere. When he tuned his head all he saw was flashes of Tommy guns all around. Oh!, sorry I should start from the beginning. When this all started it was the year 1938 and poor Steve was out of money so he decided to go to his buddies Mafia warehouse.Obviously, they had a loan shark there and he needed at least three hundred thousand dollars to pay off his bills and keep living for a month. He was troubled.

After arriving he asked for Bill Johnston the head of the warehouse and more importantly, his friend. Greeted by a hand shake, Steve entered and told Bill his problems. Bill said that he would have a high interest rate and if he does not pay it back they will have to kill him. If he tries to run with the money to a different country, they will get him because of border connections. If you run into troubles after 2 months you will have a ten percent interest rate every day. He worried. He singed the contract that was placed in front of him oh so gently. The most horrifying look came upon Steve's face as the slimy Friends men were aiming rifles at Steve's head with an enormous smirk on their faces.

"Ring ring ring!" Steve moaned. He got out of bed early to think how he could make around 350,000 dollars within two months to pay the mafia back. As he thought he watched television. The greatest add came on about how a week in Vegas was only five thousand dollars. He fainted.

Later that day he woke up and called the flight company, West Jet, and made a first class booking on the last flight to Vegas. Easily, he fell asleep. suprisingly his first ever dream appeared in his head. The vision was about winning all of that money that he got for a loan and even more. Although it was only a thirty percent chance of working, he decided to be outrageously bold. The next day he overcame his fear of flying and went into the air for the first time. The plane had enormous letters spelling "WEST JET."

Inside there were multiple small t.V's on the back of the chairs. The seats were a creamy white color. He flew first class but there were very little people sitting there and that was because of people are just to poor. Well, at least that is what Steve thought as he was flying. A waitress came by and asked him what he would like to drink and all he said was "nothing, I'm good and those are to expensive." the lady looked at him funny and walked away. He closed his eyes and when he was almost asleep when an evil little baby started to scream and cry because her ears were popping. The pilots said that it will be ten minutes until they land. Steve got an giant smirk on his face. They landed roughly but he still walked off and he bolted off to the casino.

He went down many streets passing many lights. He finally got where he was going. Killer casino was the name of the place and he cautiously entered. He noticed allot of men from the warehouse he was at and one pulled him aside. Mysteriously he said "Steve, I have always liked you but we will kill you if you blow all of the money. We have multiple men set up everywhere and nothing can save you. We know you will show up here every day and gamble but, I promise you would not like this to end before one week. You'll be dead." This of course struck fear into the mans heart but all Steve did was walk away. Steve ran to a taxi and said"take me to queens trailer park.

The taxi drove him away and there was a gang dressed in blue outside of the trailer he was headed to. That was the enemies color. Steve paused and all of the sudden there was a massive explosion that scared the gang away. As hill billies ran out of the house, Steve introduced himself to his long lost family. They welcomed him and he told them his problems. They said that the night was going to be his for if he lost they would have his back in case he lost.

They arrived at the casino and Steve went straight to the poker table. The name of the game was texas hold'em. Ont he first round he put ten thousand in to get the cards. When he recieved them they were double kings. This meant alot and he stayed in. The other cards were in play. The cards were two kings and an ace. Steve put all in and a man followed. Sweat was flying down his face. The next twocards were aces. A smilecame upon the mans face and steve knew he lost to four aces. Steve jumped up and said "now!" Men dressed in green jumped up with tommy guns and mafia started firing bullets off. Money was flying everwhere. Pain filled steves body and blood poored out. He fell liek a ton of bricks and things started to darken quickly. Soon everthing was gone and the pain had dissapeared.

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